Max Factory figma Guts Black Swordsman Ver.

Another swordsman will join figma world, Guts of the manga/anime “Berserk” will join the company of slashing dashing figmas…. but wait! it’s also a Wonderfest Summer 2011 fig…

So it is a “Black Swordsman Version” so we can expect that this figure is full of darkness..LOL, kidding aside, black color suits Guts…and I believe he will be mad if max factory will choose another color for him… 🙂

So obviously his main accessory is his “Dragon Slayer,”  or the big sword that looks like Cloud’s Basuta Sodo (Buster Sword)…

I really wish this fig will have prosthetic left forearm that has a magnetic grip, conceals a cannon, and can be fitted with a small repeating crossbow, ‘Coz if figma can do that, they will be the God of articulated figs…in my eyes…. XD

Figma Guts will be released January 2012, Price??? T.B.A…. 🙂