Max Factory Figma Robocop….. Any Takers???

Well, what can I say? my memory of Robocop is way way too long ago… I believe I watched two movies of it when I was a kid (my dad is a big Arnold Schwarzenegger fan, did I spell his surname correctly?), maybe I was 5-7 years old that time. I have also tried playing the “super family computer” game of Robocop. And no offense meant to all Robocop fans, I honestly didn’t expect that figma will release a version of it…

So we all talk about the fame of Black Rock Shooter, but how can we forget our classic hero.So let’s take a good look at it

So Robocop has two versions of auto pistol, one will be the normal one and the other one is in shooting mode.

He also has a thigh holster where you can put and hide the pistol… I don’t know if it’s an alternate leg or not

And an alternate right hand with a key for his Patrol Car: oh wait that key is called DATA SPIKE, I believe that spike has lot of functions.Last but not the least,  an alternate damaged head for battle mode.

Now, I can truthfully say that this fig will be a good catch.. It’s the best figure representation of the classic Robocop , if my dad is in to figure collecting, he might consider purchasing this. Definitely the for me, best Robocop fig by far… 🙂